October 30, 2010


Greetings from the deep end!
This blog will no longer be updated at this address. You can read future updates of the Deep Thoughts (From Off The Deep End) blog here


October 29, 2010

Air! Air for everyone!!!

Greetings from the deep end!
We have been back in a house for two weeks and a sleep now. It's great. It's beginning to feel more like home and less like a spankin' awesome hotel. I've been cooking again since we finally got the gas hooked up last Friday. I don't know why we ever invented the electric stove. They SUCK!!! Gas is the beez kneez! It cooks hot and fast. When you turn the knob there is instant and even heat. I love it. I love the paved driveway (something we never had in Sheridan). I love the hot running water. I love the carpet space where I can sit on the floor and stretch and tackle Xander and play and have fun. I love that the kids each have their own room, far far away from mine. I love that I have my bed back.

What I think I love the most though, is the air. We had been in the house for a couple of days when I found myself sitting in the living room. For no good reason, I took a deep breath. It tasted good so I took another. It tasted good too. I took a few more. Each tasted as good as the last. Then I started taking normal sized breaths again as I did not want to pass out. What I realized from this little psychotic episode is that air tastes good. Correction, clean, not-pre-breathed or shared air, tastes good. I realized that while we were living in the RV we had been sharing the same breath for 4 months. I would take the breath then pass it to Xander who would pass it to Aryll who would pass it to Pam who would then, in turn, pass it back to me. After the same breath has been breathed a few million times it tends to lose it's flavor, it's crispness, it's ability to give life.

I am now convinced that we never actually slept in the RV. Instead, we just passed the breath around until it lost all O2 and we passed out. I don't share this to make anyone feel bad that they spent the summer breathing nice clean, crisp, non circulated air while the Brown family shared one single worn out puff of exhausted air for 4 months. I share this so that the average person, the person who hasn't spent 4 months living in an RV can appreciate air for the clean, crisp, life giving substance that it is. I am simply sharing perspective. Take a deep breath, enjoy it, then take one for me. Tastes good doesn't it?

October 21, 2010

Eetsa Mario!

Greetings from the deep end!
Ya, we bought a house with a giant pipe in the front yard. It looks a little dopey but we've got that covered. We bought a little plastic Mario (from Super Mario Bros.) and put him in the front yard next to the pipe. All questions about why we have a giant pipe in our front yard will be answered instantly through a simple visual as people drive by. "Why do you have a giant pipe in your front yard?" people will ask in their minds. "Wouldn't you have one too if it meant a direct line to Mario World?" will be our immediate visual response. Yep, this house is pretty cool.

On top of that, have you, dear reader, ever found something that wasn't made for you that seemed like it was made EXACTLY for you? That is this house for me, Pam and the kids. On the upper level it has 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, laundry room, kitchen, dining room and living room. The upstairs alone is almost 200 square feet larger than our last home was in total. Then there is the unfinished basement. The total measurement of the new house not counting the garage (that we didn't have before) is somewhere around 2800 sq feet. Wow. This house is perfect for us, it was specially ordered by someone who ordered everything exactly as we would have if we had ordered it ourselves. Then, after ground was broken and the builders were past the point of no return, the contract fell through. Pam and I had our eyes on this house before the walls were up. When we moved to Rapid City it was a frame and siding. We watched it build as we prayed daily for our house in Sheridan to sell. Some 6 weeks after moving to Rapid the house went under contract again. We were sad but believed that God would bring us a better house, though we couldn't imagine a nicer one for us. The day before our Sheridan house went under contract the contract on this house fell through. One week later we had a contract on it.

The last month in the RV was difficult, but totally worth it. In retrospect. If the me from now talked to the me then like I am writing here, past me would probably hurt the now me pretty badly. If you can understand that sentence, you are as big a nerd as I. Congratulations! Welcome to the club. 

So, here I sit in my perfect living room next to my perfect kitchen, in my perfect house with my perfect dog sleeping on her mat next to the TV writing a blog in my perfect comfy living room chair, inviting you to drive by and see what God can do. Just look for the giant green pipe with the little plastic Mario out front :)

October 12, 2010

Will Write Soon

Greetings from the deep end!
So, as far as "the deep end" goes, I'm in it up to here |................................. :/  For those of you that don't know emoticon language (is that even a word? Yes, language is a word), we were not able to move into our house today after all. I have been planning to write a long series or just one really long blog about the whole process but haven't had a conclusion and want to write it from a finished mindset to keep any negative overtones out of the blog. So, since it isn't over yet, I haven't written yet. I have a plan, just gotta do it. I also have a ton of things going on all at once right now and am having trouble sorting it out and getting it organized. So then, dear friends, have no fear, I will write soon. Once things calm down a bit.