April 14, 2010

If I Only Had a Reset Button

Greetings from the deep end!
The Wizard of Oz is a stupid movie. Yea, I said it, The Wizard of Oz is a stupid movie. I'll say it again! The Wizard of Oz.... Seriously, we all have brains and hearts. We may choose not to use them, but we do all have them. Even courage is found more often than not in humanity. What we really should be searching for, what all of humanity really needs, is a reset button.

A friend was over at my house last night and he showed me how to do a battery pull (reset) on my Blackberry without actually pulling the battery. This morning I tried it and of course it worked and saved me tons of time trying to remove my Otter Box case and then pull the battery, then spend six hours trying to get the case to set on it properly again. I am all thumbs, and this phone case is an engineering masterpiece. By that I mean that you need to have an advance degree in engineering to master the use of it. Anyway, I was thinking about how awesome it was to be able to hit three buttons a couple of times and save myself a half of an hour of frustration. As my thoughts raced out of my control I realized that a human restart button would assuredly save much more than a half hour of frustration for the average human each day!

Think of it, feeling groggy? Hit your reset button. Can't sleep? Hit your reset button. Kid's being schmucks? Press their reset button!

Yea, courage is nothing when compared to the awesomeness that would be the human reset button.

Government need reset? We have a button for that. Students acting up? We have a button for that. Getting fed up? You have a button for that.

It would be AWESOME!!! No more groggy head, no more being overwhelmed. Beautiful. Sing with me people! ♪♫If we only had a reset button♫♪

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